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>3 years experience

Need for Speed


Whoever saw Bonten playing, noticed they play blazingly fast, seemlessly effortlessly! In this masterclass, Bonten will teach you the techniques and share their excercises. After this class, Bonten will still win a speed contest, but you'll have the tools to train and enhance your speed and playing in general.


• Understand basic English instructions.
• Be comfortable with the taiko fundamentals (i.e. tachi uchi stands, kuchi shoga, grip and basic rhythms)
• Be able to play the basic rhythms and paradiddles at a moderate tempo (i.e. 114 bpm)
• Be able to listen to the tempo while playing.
• Be familiar with the tap up and catch down technique.


Aantal sessies

Thursday, December 12 2024.
19:00 bar opens
19:30 masterclass starts
20:45 15' break
22:00 masterclass ends
22:30 bar closes

1 session


60 euro


OC @ Sint-Lenaarts

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