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for performing members

TaikOn Stage


Mónica Vedia is an accomplished taiko player and teacher and brings a unique talent to the taiko community: acting techniques! As an actrice, Mónica can teach you what message your body posture is conveying and how to use your non verbal communication tools consciously. With her workshop 'TaikOn stage' she will answer questions like 'What makes a performer stand out on stage?', 'Why does the audience focus on one artist?', 'What captures the audience attention ?' through hands on exercises.
The objective of this workshop is to improve your body awareness and stage presence, as well as improving your confidence on stage.


• Understand English instructions
• Be a member of a Yorokai Performance team


Aantal sessies

Sunday, October 6 2024.
There are 3 sessions, so we can work in small groups and there is room for individual feedback:
• session 1 : 09:30 - 11:30 for Yoroki's - 50 euro
• session 2 : 12:00 - 14:00 for Yoroki's - 50 euro
• session 3 : 14:30 - 15:30 for aspirant-Yoroki's - 25 euro
(The concert team will spend Saturday afternoon with Mónica.)

3 sessions


25 or 50 euro


Spiegelzaal @ Sporthal

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